Much ado about snogging
Medill School of Journalism,
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois
B.S. in Journalism
Adjunct Major in International Studies focusing on Asia
June 2000
Medill Dean’s List
GPA – 3.5/4.00

Advanced knowledge of AP Style, Multimedia Director, Adobe Photoshop, Framemaker, Pagemaker, Quark XPress, Dreamweaver and Fetch. Audio and video production skills. Experience with Flash and Freehand 8.

Corrie Knapp
Volunteer Coordinator
Colorado Environmental Coalition
303-534-7066 X205

Margot McGraw-Toppen
Chicago Editor
AOL Local

Colleen Kelly
Senior Producer

Amy Hardgrove
Senior Editor
Trend Publishing
AOL Local
June 2001 – present
City Editor, Chicago
Editor for Digital City Twin Cities entertainment guide. Managed and edited freelancer submissions, programmed daily site updates and wrote headlines. Assigned stories, obtained and manipulated photos, and designed feature packages. Promoted in November 2001 from Chicago assistant editor responsible for dining and sports & recreation sections.

Clean Water Action
March 2003 – present
Political Organizer, Denver
Educated, organized and fundraised in local communities to promote citizen lobbying for environmentally sound water policy in the Colorado State Congress.

Colorado Environmental Coalition
October 2002 – present
Outreach Intern, Denver
Community organizer for various issues including petitioning Congress for environmental votes and getting out the vote. Representative for CEC. at local political and environmental events.

Creative Music Works
February 2003 – present
Public Relations Volunteer, Denver
Wrote, researched and distributed press releases for live avant garde jazz performances. Designed and distributed posters and postcards.

LegInfo, CFC and Chicago Wilderness
August 2001 – Jan. 2003
Freelance Writer, Chicago
LegInfo: Wrote feature stories and sidebars on bills in the Illinois Congress. Updated and edited bill summaries in the online database. CFC and Chicago Wilderness: Writer for environmental conservation publications. Produced stories on the biological control of purple loosestrife, controlled burning, the spread of West Nile virus, prairie and savanna restoration, and the history of local site preservation.
September 2000 - April 2001
Production Assistant, Chicago
Editor of the Health topic area. Collaborated with editors to produce, research and fact check features. Managed production process and deadlines from editor to designer to programmer. Experience creating web content with XML-based publishing tools. Additional tasks included writing features and the weekly "World & Travel" news.
September - December 1999
Editorial Intern, New York
Worked full time for feature websites and production department. Wrote and produced a story on "Visions of the 21st Century." Performed extensive research and fact checking for "Millennium" and "Heroes for the Planet" sites. Other responsibilities included improving site traffic and laying out pages in BB Edit and Dreamweaver.

Trend Publishing
June - September 1998
Editorial Intern, Chicago
Wrote, edited and researched for two trade publications concerning the grocery industry. Also assisted ad sales, production and art departments in tasks including research, fact checking and layout.